Monday, September 30, 2013

Moving Into A New Home! (Thank You!)

Phew! Don't we all know the hassles of moving? Well, chances are, most of us do. Boxing up all your belongings, trying to stay organized, labeling, losing that marker and having to go get a new one, dropping a box or two or twenty on your foot, wrapping up the breakables in bubble-wrap and praying silently the entire move that it does it's job...
Ah, yes, the joys of.... moving.

Well, luckily I didn't have to box up, drop anything on my foot, or lose any markers, although I did do a bit of praying that nothing would break... In a different sense. (I have done the box move...Tales all their own!)

Eirineach Graphics has a new home! is now the Forums and F&Q home. The brand new website is Check it out! There's a lot of cool new features and new designs! Oh and for my exclusive newsletter members, there's some great goodies coming your way! You don't want to miss out.
If you're a fan of EG, share! Spread the word! Like on Facebook (, follow on Twitter (, and tell all your friends. You can also find EG on Instagram (!

I want to say a big, big thank you to all of you who made the new home for EG possible! Without all of you, this just wouldn't have happened. Your support, your sweet messages, your enthusiasm, all of it has been so amazing and humbling, too. It's always more than rewarding to know your work is loved, appreciated, and even touched someone's life. So from the bottom of my heart, I send a sincere thank you to each and every one. Thank you, thank you, thank you once more! xxx 
There's also a Thanks bar on the website where I thank specific people! Please check it out: Scroll down and look for the section titled "Thanks" on the left!

So excited. Tell me which of the designs are your favorite(s)!

Also, introducing the Customer or Fan of the Week! How do you get that title? Be an exceptional customer, or be a really active fan! It's as simple as that.

See you soon;)
Love always,

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

New Website

Dear friends,

The new launch for the new website is rapidly approaching - we're only three days away!

This will be a bittersweet event... to say hello to the new home for Eirineach Graphics, and to say goodbye to the original home.

With the deadline looming before us all too quickly all of the sudden, I want to take a moment to say a quick and slightly premature thank you to you all. Without you, none of this would ever be happening. Eirineach Graphics would never have happened.

Thank you all,
With love always,

Maurisa XX

Friday, September 6, 2013

One Week! One Week! Spread the news!

Dear friends,

Today marks one week until the launching of the new Eirineach Graphics website! We've come so far together. This is happening because of you.

Soon the time will have arrived to say farewell to the old Eirineach Graphics website. But we won't forget it, will we? It will always been a treasured place for me. The place where I found all of you. The place that was the first home for my graphics.
Don't worry - part of the old website will still be around. The Forums and the F&Q will stay. They'll get a bit o'TLC but essentially, they will remain the same, and old part of the original Home for EG.

With this deadline of the 14th fast approaching, you've got only a week left to tell me what designs on the old EG you don't want to see retired and "thrown into the vault" but appear on the new EG.

 With love always,
Maurisa XX