Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dear friends,

I hope you're all as excited about the new website as I am! There's been a date picked for the launch - it will be announced Thursday, August 22nd. Be on the FB or the Twitter page as the announcement comes thru' at 2PM, Pacific USA time.

Also, don't forget to send me your submissions for the Ryan Kelly of Celtic Thunder "Midnight Well" wallpaper! The wallpaper will include pictures of your choice of Ryan Kelly and Neil Byrne. NOTE: Only one photo will be used of Neil Byrne! Submit your choices and may the best photos win. All submissions must be in by the 26th. You can send them to me via Twitter, Facebook, or email: meiringraphics@gmail.com

Good luck, and have some craic (fun!)

Maurisa XX

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Wee A.M Inspiration. . .

Hello dearies,
Just a wee bit o'late night. . . Er, A.M inspiration for ye! 

Couldn't get to any sleepin', (far too hot in here I say!), so I got to thinkin' instead, as I'm oft apt to do when I can't sleep. (Sometimes I think me mind wanders a mite too much!) 

It being past midnight and all, and listening to some Celtic Thunder's Ryan Kelly (guilty pleasure, I'll admit!) I started getting "Midnight Well" stuck in my brain; on repeat no less! 

What say you to a Midnight Well wallpaper? Featuring Ryan, of course! And what would the background music be without a guitar played by the Guitar God himself, Neil Byrne? I think yes ;)

So, let me know, of course your feedback is cherished! ;)

I bid you a good night. . . And a sweet morning, lovelies! ;) 

Blessings XX